Monday, April 23, 2007

The Causes of Heartburn and the Steps to Take to Prevent It

Heartburn is the burning sensation felt in the chest which can spread up into the throat and may result in a sour or acidic taste in the mouth. This is due to a weakened lower esophageal sphincter, more commonly referred to as LES. The LES is part of the esophagus which connects to the stomach. Food and liquid pass thru the LES into the stomach. When the LES is relaxed or becomes weakened, stomach acid moves back up into the esophagus.

The most common causes of occasional heartburn are:

* Caffeinated beverages - coffee, tea, soft drinks
* Chocolate
* Tomatoes and tomato products
* Citrus fruits and juices
* Alcohol
* Fatty and fried foods
* Smoking
* Being over weight
* Wearing tight fitting clothing i.e.- belt, elastic waistband
* Lifting and straining
* Eating 2-3 hours before lying down or going to bed
* Pregnancy
* A hectic and stressful lifestyle

It is important to note that frequent heartburn may be an indication of a more serious condition and one should consult with their primary care physician. Other health conditions that have heartburn symptoms are: gastritis, hiatal hernia, and gastroparesis.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD is a more serious condition and occurs when the LES does not close properly and allows the stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus. The esophagus can become damaged if exposed to the stomach acid for long periods of time.

One of the key principles in naturopathic and holistic medicine is that the cure to an illness or disease is often the same as the preventive. By avoiding the causes of heartburn will prevent heartburn, and by avoiding those causes will cure heartburn.

By simply noticing when heartburn occurs; during the middle of the night, after eating a heavy meal or consuming a caffeinated beverage or citrus juice, after a stressful event, lifting or straining to move an object, heartburn can be avoided. Diet and lifestyle changes are the beginning of most if not all paths to healing and a healthier and more vibrant life.

There are natural remedies and alternative techniques that can alleviate the pain of heartburn. Recipes for remedies can be made using ingredients found in the kitchen. All of this information and more can be found here!

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Many Health Benefits of Cinnamon

The health benefits of cinnamon are the focus of recent research studies. Preliminary findings reported in 2004 by Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
indicate a relation between the use of this common household spice to the regulation of insulin and blood sugar levels.

Apparently, researchers found cinnamon has the ability to aide fat cells to respond to insulin and increase the removal of glucose from the blood stream.
The same study also reported lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglyceride levels in the study’s participants who had type 2 diabetes.

Other health benefits of cinnamon still being studied are:

  • Relief from arthritis pain - cinnamon contains anti-inflammatory properties which reduce joint and muscle pain.
  • Thinning of blood - cinnamon has an anti-clotting effect on the blood that can reduce the chance of heart attack and stroke.
  • Boosts cognitive functions - the smelling of cinnamon has been reported to increase mental alertness and memory.
  • Kills bacteria - a Kansas State University study found that cinnamon killed most of the E. coli bacteria that was added to apple juice.
  • Suppresses bacteria that cause urinary tract infections and the fungus that causes yeast infections.
  • Good source of: fiber, manganese, iron, and calcium.
  • Improves digestion and helps ease stomach bloating.

Research into the health benefits of cinnamon continue. Any considerations of changing your lifestyle or health program should first and always be discussed with your primary care physician. Especially if someone is already taking medications for diabetes or blood thinners, because of the effects cinnamon has on insulin regulation and its blood thinning properties.

For additional information on natural diabetes control, please click here!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Foods That Boost Metabolism

Simply stated, metabolism is the process in which our bodies burn calories at rest. The human body expends energy (the burning of calories) for the process of digestion, breathing, blood circulation, the regulation of body temperature, and detoxification.

Foods that boost metabolism are high in fiber, lower in calories, and are nutrient dense. These foods are also known as whole foods and they are: fruits and vegetables. whole grains, lean meats, poultry, fish, and low fat dairy. Due to the higher fiber content in these foods, the human body takes longer to digest them, thus burning more calories, and your appetite is suppressed longer. Another benefit is the higher nutritional value.

Green tea helps to detoxify the body and is a power house of antioxidants that remove free radicals that can lead to dis-ease thereby improving the immune system. There are studies that show the compound EGCG found in green tea can increase the body's metabolic rate.

Fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, and fish oil supplements, increase the levels of fat burning enzymes and decrease the levels of fat storing enzymes. They also help with lower blood pressure, lower LDL (bad cholesterol), and raise HDL (good cholesterol).

Proteins help build muscle, and more muscle mass helps to improve metabolism. Weight training, resistance and strength training help build muscle.

Water is important in a higher protein diet. A diet rich in protein can stress the kidneys, therefore, an increase in water consumption is needed.

Always eat breakfast. Your body's metabolism has slowed down during the night. To rev up your metabolism you must break the fast by eating a healthy breakfast.

Eating whole foods that boost your metabolism will not increase your metabolism alone. You also need to incorporate exercise, weight or resistance training, and get adequate sleep into your lifestyle.

If you would like to learn more about how to maximize your metabolism and receive a free e-course, please click here!